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Tag Archives: grounded theory

I was going to do a survey to generate a profile of teacher epistemologies, but seeing how the available instruments seem to be culture-bound, if not in some way flawed (cf. Schommer), maybe I need to do some exploratory study first to generate categories and test existing ones in the local context.  Grounded theory, they call it.

So which way do I go?  Quanti or quali?  My supervisor advises that I should do both.  Both?!  The study is due in March next year!  Oh well, let’s see how it goes.

I spent all day poring through the literature, and I have far from a comprehensive grasp of what’s out there. Why can’t scholarship be simpler?

Tomorrow I have to start crafting the proposal already.  “Work in progress.”  That’s the only way to think of it.  And not lose sanity.